Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki
Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki


  • Whereas; The Department for Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures is seeking to adopt a specific policy, to address a situation which they feel impacts their department and society at large; and

  • Whereas, The Department for Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures has a responsibility to make sure magical creatures are hidden; and

  • Whereas, The Department for Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures also has a duty to oversee how these creatures are dealt with; and

  • Whereas, The Magical Law Enforcement Department has done its best to combat issues with Half Breeds while taking on their regular responsibilities ; and

  • Whereas, The Department for Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures will be most equipped to handle more cases of Half Breed disobedience and possible risk for exposure of wizards; therefore be it

  • Resolved, The Department for Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures will create a task force to seek out and capture Half Breed's accordingly; be it further

  • Resolved, The Department will use its funds and that of it's leader's funds to create incentive for people to report unregistered half breeds; be it further

  • Resolved, The Department for Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures will take care of the search for unregistered Half Breeds and their swift removal from society at large.

OOC Breakdown[]

  • The current Head of The Department for Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures has created with the minister's blessing a task force to locate and take unregistered half breeds.
  • They will be relying on tips of society members at large in order to take in and question the right subjects, although they won't always care if they're a half breed or not.
  • The general public assumption is they're being deported at random, but the truth is slightly darker. The current head of the department is selling them off to collectors, at least a portion of them.
  • The Department Head will likely get arrested or something in the future once Alistair's reign comes tumbling down

Character Significance[]

  • For the most part, this will be an NPC backdrop of what's going on in society at large, but if you want your character to be found out and deported/trafficked feel free to use the situation as an excuse to do so.
  • If you also want to create task force members, you certainly can.