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Forum: Index > Sorting > Percy Kingsley
Music is for everyone~ Kotori 20:22, March 22, 2018 (UTC)

The Open-Ended Questions

A. Please answer the following questions as elaborately as possible. (Remember, this part is only a requirement for your third to fifteenth character! However, if you want to have more input on where you character is sorted, then please answer #6!)

1) What would you consider to be your character's strengths, and your character's weaknesses? Elaborate on your answer. Percy is a kind person who tries his best to help others. He wants everyone to feel wanted and important. Though one of his weaknesses is his social anxiety, as it hinders his ability to help others. 

2) What goals and objectives has your character set out in their life? Is it to be successful and rich? Is it to find happiness? Why? Percy wanted to follow in the footsteps of his father, Ambrose, and become an Auror. He had plans to live a good life but after the death of his mother, he doesn't know what to do. 

3) What's their ideal way of spending a free day? Why so? Percy's ideal free day would be to explore wherever he is, if that would be exploring the city or town or even the countryside. He wants to find special spots, secret areas, and make someplace his own. 

4) If your character could only keep 5 possessions, what would they be? Why? 1.A locket his mother gave him that has her picture and Percy's picture in it when he was 8.  2.His wand, it's extremely special because his parents carved their initals in the bottom of it with Percy. 3.A family picture 4.The stacks of letters that his uncle, Logan, has written to him. 

5) What one thing would your character change about the wizarding society? Why? Percy wants there to be no evil wizards, he doesn't want magic to be used to hurt others and he wants magic to only be used for good. 

6) What house does your character want to be in? What house does your character not want to be in? Why? Percy wants to be in Hufflepuff, and he does not want to be in Slytherin.

The Sorting Quiz

B. Select the option that best fits your character. (Remember, this part is a requirement for every character you make! Please bold the answers from an IC Point of View, and mark in italics the answers from the OOC Point of View.)

1) Which type of spell is most useful?

A. A Complex Spell
B. A Spell Of Control
C. A Combat Spell
D. A Healing Spell

2) What is most important to you?

A. Grades.
B. Getting your way.
C. Life.
D. Friends and family.

3) What would you do if a teacher caught you cheating?

A. I'm the person people cheat off of.
B. I wouldn't get caught; I'm too slick.
C. I would deny the accusation until the teacher gives up.
D. I would 'fess up, apologize, and accept the consequences.

4) What matters most to your character?

A. Wisdom
B. Reputation
C. Success
D. Friendship

5) What's the best way to get things done?

A. Putting together a qualified team and completing the task efficiently.
B. Trick someone else into doing the work for you.
C. Get some friends together and lead them in the task.
D. The right way, no matter how long it takes.

The Character's Background

1) Give a description of your character's personality. Are you noble or sneaky? Arrogant or Humble? Anything about your character that might help the Sorting Hat decide. (Don't worry, you can copy this onto your character page later!) (Remember, personality must be at least one paragraph long for the first two characters, two paragraphs long for the third to eighth characters, and three paragraphs long for the ninth to fifteenth!)

Percy is an odd ball, that's for sure. But despite his weirdness and awkwardness he's actually a very sweet person and he just wants to make friends and be happy. It's difficult for him to do just that though, since he has social anxiety. 

Ever since he was young he's always had a problem speaking in public or talking to anyone who wasn't his family. He always has a fear that he'll be rejected or made fun of, or even just looked at differently. He's always wanted to fit in but knows that he never will. 

Having a lot of siblings has taught Percy how to be social though, which he is grateful for. He's learned very valuable social skills thanks to his large family, but living in a big family also causes some skills to be learned that one doesn't want. This includes Percy being a compulsive liar. 

Overall Percy is a genuine and good person but he isn't without his faults, just like every normal human being. He loves to learn though and is quite knowledgeable, but he'd be considered more book smart than street smart which he doesn't mind. 

Even though Percy is only 15 he's a little more mature for his age, no one knows why exactly and neither does Percy. But he's glad that he's a little more mature since it stops him from doing pretty stupid things, but alas he is only 15 and so he does do some pretty idiotic things. 

Percy's philosophy is that he can learn from everything he does, which is a good thing in and of itself. He's done a lot of things and experimented with a lot to see the outcomes and what he can gain from it. He's thankful that he's impulsive, otherwise, he would have missed out on a lot of opportunities. 

2) Write about the history of your character. How did they grow up? Is there an incident that made them the way they are? etc. (Again, you can copy this onto your character page later!) (Remember, history must at least be two paragraphs long for the first two characters, three paragraphs long for the third to eighth character, and four paragraphs long for the ninth to fifteenth character!)

Percy was born to Ambrose and Adeline Kingsley on October 6th in New York City, America. He was the third child of the couple and the second boy, and straight from birth, he was a cute little thing. His mother often referred to him as 'the perfect child' since he hardly cried and never put up a fuss. 

As a toddler Percy was always curious and always getting into things, despite most parents not wanting their children to get into things or ruin stuff, Percy's mother encouraged his curiosity and even helped him with some tasks. She was always encouraging her children to try out new things. 

At a young age, Percy grew incredibly close to his mother and always had to be around her. His siblings often teased him as a 'mommy's boy' but he didn't care. As long as he got to spend as much time with his mother as he could, he was happy and content. 

Percy also got close with his uncle, Logan Kingsley, and the two would play outside a lot and do puzzles and play games and hang out with each other. It was good for Percy to have a relationship with someone other than his immediate family, as Percy had social anxiety. 

It's not that Percy didn't want to make friends, it was that it was extremely hard for him to do just that. He was so scared of talking to people, and his mind would constantly tell him he was too weird or odd and no one liked him. He hated people staring at him, and whenever he heard whispering he thought it was about him. 

His parents noticed this and did their best to help Percy, but didn't push him outside of his comfort zone too much since they didn't want to damage him in any way. He did end up making a friend eventually, the neighbor's kid Matthew, who was small but very kind. The two had nearly an immediate friendship. 

After Percy's two oldest siblings had gone off to Ilvermorny he despretley wanted to go as well, but he hadn't shown any signs of Magic yet and his parents were concerned that their son was going to be a squip. It wasn't until Percy's 10th birthday that he showed signs of magic, when his older brother Leo and him had gotten into a fight and Percy had used magic to paralyze Leo. 

Even though his parents were ecstatic to learn their son could do magic, they were also a little put off at the type he had used. After a little talking and conversation, they explained to Percy that magic was not intended to harm another person. The lesson really stuck with him.

It wasn't long after that that Percy went off to Ilvermorny and was sorted into Pukwudgie, which he was excited about. Even though his other siblings weren't in the same house as him he didn't mind, he loved to be surrounded by people similar to him. 

School wasn't too hard for Percy, he did well in his classes and studying and was a good student. Matthew had also gone to Ilvermorny, being a muggle-born wizard and had been sorted into Thunderbird. Percy didn't feel the need to make other friends with Matthew at school, and so he didn't. 

Percy's life was fine and going uphill, he had his future planned out and was planning to follow in his father's footsteps. Like his father, Percy was quite skilled in magic and was picking things up fast. He had even mentioned to his parents about becoming an Auror like his father. 

Only, this dream didn't become reality. After Percy's mother died, it shattered Percy's world. He couldn't handle that his mother had died and she was gone forever, he couldn't even process that he would have to live the rest of his life without her. 

Because of her death, Percy has nearly become mute. He only talks to his family, if at all, and won't speak to anyone else outside of his family. He writes letters to his uncle Logan, and that is his basic form of communication. Moving to Britain has also caused more distress to Percy, having to leave his best friend Matthew behind and everything he knew in America. 

Currently, Percy has closed in on himself and won't talk about his emotions. He's in so much pain that he doesn't know how to deal with it all. He wants to reach out for help, but he can't. It's as if he's waiting for someone to grab him by the shoulders and shake some sense into him. 

3) Write about your character's appearance. What do they look like? Are you planning on using a certain model for your character? If you already have a picture in mind, you can put it here!

Percy 2

His model is Timothee Chalamet 

4) Is your character a Pure-Blood, Half-Blood or Muggle-Born? Do you have any notable magical relations? (Remember, you cannot be related to important Harry Potter characters!) Half-Blood 

5) Does your character have any special magical abilities? Or special abilities in general (photographic memory, etc.)? Is he or she of a different magical race, such as Veela, Vampire, Werewolf or the like? Part or half of that magical race counts! (Remember, you cannot have a character with special abilities/of a different magical race as one of your first two characters!) No Magic Abilities 

6) What year is your character in? Percy is in his 5th year 

OOC Questions

C. These do not affect what house you're sorted to, but everybody must answer them!

1) Is this your first character?

A. This is my first character.
B. No, this is not my first character.

2) If your answer to the previous question is B, how many characters do you have? How many of them are "exotic" (of a different magical race/have a special ability)? I have 5 characters, 2 exotic 

Hufflepuff crest The Sorting Hat has placed Percy Kingsley into Hufflepuff!

"You might belong in Hufflepuff,
Where they are just and loyal,
Those patient Hufflepuffs are true,
And unafraid of toil."

ACSEvieForSophieSigI knew it when I met him,I loved him when I left him ~Sophie
