Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki
Dumbledore's Army Role-Play Wiki
Ramshackle-TreeHouse They found it as an old treehouse. They fixed it up some, and elaborated on it. They're essentially squatters, although was was just an abandoned, unowned treehouse. There are whole sections where they've replaced or reinforced the wood, and some areas are all new. There are extension cords running through the whole thing now, and a hose runs up to the lower level.


Donnie and Holly[]


Donnie Finch-Hattongraduated slytherin student • posh boy

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
wasa worker
「 Relationship 」
unhappily married

It's rounding on five o'clock when Donnie arrives at the treehouse, takeout and beer bottles in a bag as promised. The sun's just beginning to set, a sign of the end of the year fast approaching, and it's a pretty sight as he climbs the ladder and squeezes himself through the door (Merlin, he misses being sixteen) and sees Holly waiting there for him, face like thunder. Ugh. Yes, he's still bitter about being blocked, even if it only lasted for a few hours; the fact that was she willing to give up on this so quickly has left a bitter taste in his mouth, running at the first sign of trouble. "No prying eyes here, then?" he remarks, putting the bag down on the floor and shoving his hands into his pockets as he watches her reaction.

Message Me • 23:24, August 20, 2020 (UTC)


Holly CostaWizCo • Space Travel

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
WizCo Employee
「 Relationship 」

Holly had gotten here a bit early, which is unlike her, but she honestly just wants to get this over with as soon as possible. She's not used to having to stick around to actually discuss the next step moving forward; normally she just makes the decision and expects everyone else to deal with the repercussions. When he arrives in the treehouse, she stays in her place, only moving to put away a notebook that she had brought along from work to kill time. Normally, she would've leaned over and kissed him by now or something; she knows there's no one around to see them, but this time she's a lot more hesitant for obvious reasons. "Nope." she replies curtly, not really knowing what else to say.

Message Me • 23:38, August 20, 2020 (UTC)


Donnie Finch-Hattongraduated slytherin student • posh boy

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
wasa worker
「 Relationship 」
unhappily married

Yeah, this is probably going to be painful. It's definitely not the first time he's almost been caught cheating but it certainly feels the heaviest; it doesn't even feel like cheating most of the time. It feels natural, and normal, until a text from Lida brings him crashing back down to earth again. "Don't panic," he says in the calmest voice he can muster, though some curtness slips in towards the end, "these are our friends we're talking about. If they had anything more than suspicion, they'd have cornered us by now. Especially Whitney." That grilling over lunch the other day had been the closest to an interrogation she could get under the guise of a friendly chat, but Donnie's not stupid, and Whitney's not subtle. "We'll just have to be more careful."

Message Me • 23:44, August 20, 2020 (UTC)


Holly CostaWizCo • Space Travel

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
WizCo Employee
「 Relationship 」

She isn't looking at him when he talks but she's definitely listening, her mind going into overdrive as she tries processing everything that he's saying. "We've been doing this for almost two months." Holly says instead, her memory flashing back to the very first time they went back to her apartment together. "I don't really see the point in dragging this out anymore."

Message Me • 23:54, August 20, 2020 (UTC)


Donnie Finch-Hattongraduated slytherin student • posh boy

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
wasa worker
「 Relationship 」
unhappily married

Dragging this- His stomach knots at the implications of those words: is she really that detached that she can just drop it so easily? Has it been dragging? Because the times that they've spent together have easily been the happiest of Donnie's life so to hear her say it so off-the-cuff, even for Holly... "What do you want to do, then?" he asks, voice monotonous but teetering on revealing the fear that's playing with his heart right now. Surely not. "Just cut it off? Go back to being friends?" He's still bitter about that, too.

Message Me • 00:01, August 21, 2020 (UTC)


Holly CostaWizCo • Space Travel

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
WizCo Employee
「 Relationship 」

"Yeah?" she replies, the tone in her voice making it obvious that she honest to God believes that's the most logical answer right now. She's not thinking with her heart; she was never one to listen to it in the first place, but she refuses to touch any of her feelings with a foot long pole tonight. "I don't understand why you sound so bitter." she adds. As much as she's trying not to be emotional about this, hurt laces her words. "We are friends, aren't we?" He said he could never hate her... right?

Message Me • 00:14, August 21, 2020 (UTC)


Donnie Finch-Hattongraduated slytherin student • posh boy

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
wasa worker
「 Relationship 」
unhappily married

He really should be used to this. It's not like Holly has ever been sentimental, and especially not since they reconnected, but it still stings to hear the person he- fuck. Yeah. It's that bad. "Sure, Holl. We're friends," Donnie nods, abandoning the attempt at civility because he doesn't have it in him anymore. Trying to act normal around everybody else is difficult enough, he's not about to do it when it's just them. "Glad to know that's all you ever saw us as."

Message Me • 00:19, August 21, 2020 (UTC)


Holly CostaWizCo • Space Travel

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
WizCo Employee
「 Relationship 」

"If you saw us as anything different, then that's all the more reason to stop." she ends up saying, the words leaving her mouth before she even has the time to think them over. There's a sinking feeling in her stomach and she wants nothing more than to run away from this encounter again, but she cares about Donnie and he deserves better than the number of times she's disappeared on him without explanation. "What were you expecting to get out of this? You're smart, Donnie, I thought you knew things like this have expiration dates."

Message Me • 00:28, August 21, 2020 (UTC)


Donnie Finch-Hattongraduated slytherin student • posh boy

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
wasa worker
「 Relationship 」
unhappily married

It cuts like a knife. Though he doesn't feel as surprised as he probably should - in fact, there's been a building feeling of dread since the moment she asked to meet him here that this is where the conversation would end up - but he didn't expect it to go this sour so quickly. His mouth drops open for a second at just how callous her words are, before he swallows thickly and looks around, like seeing another part of the treehouse will hurt less than looking at her. "Of course I knew that." That's probably what hurts the most: that she's not wrong. "I just didn't realise you were so eager to get out of it. You should have said something earlier." He's being petty, he knows he is, but right now he couldn't care less.

Message Me • 00:33, August 21, 2020 (UTC)


Holly CostaWizCo • Space Travel

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
WizCo Employee
「 Relationship 」

"It was never this difficult earlier." she tells him. It actually pains her to see how blatantly hurt he is, but she knows if she lets herself dwell on how she's feeling then they're never going to get anywhere, they're going to fall back into the same routine, and they're going to get caught – then it'll really be over for them. "This was never supposed to be a thing – it was never supposed to get this hard. You and I both know how bad it would be if we get caught; it'll just blow up in our faces if we keep going."

Message Me • 00:39, August 21, 2020 (UTC)


Donnie Finch-Hattongraduated slytherin student • posh boy

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
wasa worker
「 Relationship 」
unhappily married

The worst part of it all is that Holly's actually talking sense. One night of drinking and their friends are already suspicious - what would happen if they went out again and got too close, or glanced at each other the wrong way or got caught up in the heat of the moment? Whitney's eagle-eyed enough to spot the merest of signs and she's also enough of a gossip to make sure everybody knows about it. It's not fair. He never asked to marry Lida, he never wanted to, he- "It was never supposed to get this hard, but you let it. If you were so scared you'd get attached, you should have just ran. You're good at that."

Message Me • 00:48, August 21, 2020 (UTC)


Holly CostaWizCo • Space Travel

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
WizCo Employee
「 Relationship 」

The fact that he's letting this get so personal is messing with her, and she tries to hold her tongue before she says something she doesn't mean, but the damage is done. "Based on our conversation, it sure doesn't look like I'm the one who got attached." she says before she can stop herself. Once she hears how harsh she sounded, her face immediately becomes apologetic and her eyes go big, like she knows she said the wrong thing. "I didn't mean that." she says quietly, afterwards, sounding extremely sorry.

Message Me • 00:53, August 21, 2020 (UTC)


Donnie Finch-Hattongraduated slytherin student • posh boy

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
wasa worker
「 Relationship 」
unhappily married

Speaking of the damage already being done... "Of course you didn't," he says quietly, trying to school his face into something that doesn't betray just how fucking heartbroken he is right now. The last time they were here, she'd talked about how she'd wanted this since sixth year, how she'd always wanted him but been too scared to say it, and now it's turned into this - whatever this is. It's not an affair, it's more than that. Well- was more than that.

Message Me • 01:02, August 21, 2020 (UTC)


Holly CostaWizCo • Space Travel

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
WizCo Employee
「 Relationship 」

Holly feels absolutely shattered when she sees how heartbroken Donnie seems to be – she just wants to place her hand on his or kiss him or take back everything she's just said but she's frozen in place, completely unsure of what to do. "I'm sorry." she apologizes, sounding incredibly sincere. "I know it's my fault that this even started in the first place, and if I knew how much pain this was going to cause you then I really wish I hadn't said anything at all so that none of this would've ever happened. I never wanted to hurt you, you know that right? I – " love you, she almost says, and once that registers to her, she feels every vein in her entire go cold. She has never felt the urge to run away from everything more than this moment, like her world is crashing in on her and there's nothing she can do about it. She loves him, oh my God, she's in love with him. "I'm sorry." she says instead, finishing lamely.

Message Me • 01:11, August 21, 2020 (UTC)


Donnie Finch-Hattongraduated slytherin student • posh boy

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
wasa worker
「 Relationship 」
unhappily married

She at least sounds sincere, but how the fuck is he supposed to believe a word that comes out of her mouth after that? You can't tell somebody you're not attached and then expect them to fall for whatever sappy apology you conjure up as damage control - which is something Holly seems quite adept at. The domino falls in that moment in Donnie's head: maybe it is better to finish things off now. After all, he can't predict the future - what if Lida gets dragged back to Russia with him in tow? What if Holly meets someone who's actually single and can give her what she wants? "You're right," he says eventually, taking a deep breath to steady his nerves before looking back at her with a tight-lipped smile. "I mean, it's been two months and people are already catching on. How long did we think this could go on for? We'd barely make it to Christmas."

Message Me • 01:20, August 21, 2020 (UTC)


Holly CostaWizCo • Space Travel

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
WizCo Employee
「 Relationship 」

She's still reeling with the sudden realization from a no more than a couple minutes ago, that she can barely focus on what Donnie's saying. "You're right." she says, sounding distracted, though it comes off as more uninterested than anything. She winces when she realizes how much it sounds like she doesn't care when apparently, she very much does care, so she repeats herself. "You're right." she says again, this time adopting a more somber tone. They have to call this off. If she has feelings for him then there's no use playing pretend in her apartment any longer. Besides, it's not like she's the only one who Donnie does this with, and he's the one who's married which means she's the one who needs to move on. He was right – she's the one who went and got attached. "So, this is over then? We're finished?"

Message Me • 01:27, August 21, 2020 (UTC)


Donnie Finch-Hattongraduated slytherin student • posh boy

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
wasa worker
「 Relationship 」
unhappily married

The disinterested tone makes him cringe even more, and then the more authentic-sounding one she puts on afterwards just sounds fake, so it's safe to say any hope he has for this to work is ground into the dust; still, he wants to try one more time. Just once. He knows Holly better than he knows anyone. "It should be," Donnie nods, somber as he pauses for a second to consider if this is a good idea or not, before stepping forward. They weren't exactly far apart to begin with but the gap closes when he moves, stepping into her comfort zone so she can't run away or Merlin forbid, Apparate away like last time. "Do you want it to be?" It's a challenge, he knows that. And his voice might be even but his eyes practically beg for honesty - he doesn't care how much she's lied so far, she can afford a moment of sincerity. For him, surely.

Message Me • 01:33, August 21, 2020 (UTC)


Holly CostaWizCo • Space Travel

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
WizCo Employee
「 Relationship 」

She's about to say no but she cares about him too much, which means she cares about what'll happen to him if everyone figures out and they're found out. She looks into his eyes and it's painful seeing the way he looks at her, so her eyes dart to the ground, looking at their feet. "Please don't make me answer that." she says, her voice cracking a little as the words leave her mouth. She sounds like she's in actual, physical pain, not that that's much of a stretch considering the dull ache in her chest. "It's not fair."

Message Me • 01:43, August 21, 2020 (UTC)


Donnie Finch-Hattongraduated slytherin student • posh boy

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
wasa worker
「 Relationship 」
unhappily married

It's not fair. None of this fucking is. And it's not her fault either; he made the first move, he kissed her first, he asked her to meet him in that pub and dug the past back up and asked her to stay. Does that promise even matter anymore, if they're not- this? Donnie's breath shakes as he exhales, feeling immensely guilty when she looks away from him, and before he really thinks about it he brings a hand up to the back of her neck, pulling her in slightly so he can kiss her forehead. It's not much in the grand scheme of things compared to everything they've done, but words couldn't convey what he feels right now.

Message Me • 01:51, August 21, 2020 (UTC)


Holly CostaWizCo • Space Travel

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
WizCo Employee
「 Relationship 」

Holly can feel her heart breaking in her chest when he kisses her forehead; she makes no move to avoid it, instead just standing there and taking it all in. Finally, she looks up at him, looking completely and totally lost. She should've just blocked him and never talked to him again, since that's what she's good at anyway. Now, she just feels like a wreck. The other day in her apartment was so perfect too; she swears she could've gone on like that forever. "Can I go now?" she ends up saying, feeling helpless. She's never asked anyone before leaving before. "Or is there anything else you want to say to me?"

Message Me • 01:57, August 21, 2020 (UTC)


Donnie Finch-Hattongraduated slytherin student • posh boy

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
wasa worker
「 Relationship 」
unhappily married

If he was as bitter as he was ten minutes ago, he'd make some harsh crack about how she always fucking leaves, but right now he's just so sad that her question stuns him for a second, before he lets out a soft, humourless laugh, turning his face away for a quick moment so she doesn't see how much that stung. He asked her to stay and now she's asking to leave. At least it's poetic. "Yeah, you can go." He doesn't make any effort to step aside or move out of her way; Merlin forbid he gives her the impression that this is the outcome he wanted for them. "Is there anything else you want to say?" Doubtful, but it stops him blurting out the stupidest thing he could say in this moment, which is, of course, I love you.

Message Me • 02:03, August 21, 2020 (UTC)


Holly CostaWizCo • Space Travel

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
WizCo Employee
「 Relationship 」

She bites her lip, unsure of what she wants to say because she always manages to say the wrong thing in these situations anyway. "I'd really like for us to keep being in each other's lives." she says, trying to smile a little bit. "You're one of the most important people to me, I swear. You have to know that, right? I love you." It comes out by accident, and she panics, so she quickly follows up with. "Not like that sorry, I'm not trying to be melodramatic or anything. I just meant – yeah. As a friend." She forces a small laugh. "We'll still be friends, right?"

Message Me • 02:14, August 21, 2020 (UTC)


Donnie Finch-Hattongraduated slytherin student • posh boy

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
wasa worker
「 Relationship 」
unhappily married

Yikes, the way his heart jumps at the I love you and then plummets at the follow-up. It takes every ounce of effort to not scoff in her face or laugh or cry or do all of those at once, so Donnie squeezes his eyes shut for a second to stop himself from doing any of it. "Just go, Holly," is what comes out, and his voice sounds so fucking shattered that it's probably the closest she'll come to figuring out just how he feels - if she actually bothers to listen.

Message Me • 02:21, August 21, 2020 (UTC)


Holly CostaWizCo • Space Travel

「 Age 」
「 Species 」
「 Occupation 」
WizCo Employee
「 Relationship 」

Holly doesn't know what she said wrong, but surely it must've been something if it elicited such a reaction. She doesn't even have it in her to say sorry anymore, just wordlessly leaving him there, waiting until she's down from the treehouse to apparate back to her apartment, where it looks like she'll be spending the night alone.

Message Me • 02:27, August 21, 2020 (UTC)
